Data Protection Declaration Cherotic

iMedia888 GmbH is operator of Cherotic website (“Cherotic” or “we” or “us”) and the company respects both your privacy and your personal data. We have prepared the following data protection guideline to protect your privacy. Here, we would like to provide you with a detailed overview of exactly how we protect your privacy, which data we record and collect, how we secure it and who we share it with. We would like you to read through our data protection guideline carefully and without rushing. When you use our websites, you accept the practices presented by us.

As soon as you have set up a free profile with us, you can use services from our websires and access them. You also have the opportunity, under certain conditions, to access other websites made available by the company. At our own discretion, we can make your profile visible also on these associated websites that you did not register for separately.

In order to provide a good service and thus to be able to find a suitable partner for you, we have to collect personal data from you, to process this data and use it accordingly for our services. In this context, the protection of your data is of utmost importance. To put this importance into practice, we have set up our organization, both technically and organizationally, in a way that allows for your data to be subject to the strictest possible security standards.


  • We transfer all data encrypted and using HTTPS technology (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure).
  • We have put up so-called “firewalls” for all services which protect you from unauthorized access.
  • Only a small number of carefully trained employees have access to your data. Every time your data is accessed, the procedure is recorded by us and organized according to pre-defined processes.
  • Particularly sensitive personal data such as your address, for example, is not only encrypted for transfer, but also encrypted for storage.


An internal messaging system is the heart of our service. You can be certain that, in this communications system, we will never transfer your name, your e-mail address or any other data that could be used to identify you. You alone decide if and when you yourself would like to give this data to potential contacts. You should therefore always, as is the case in “real” life, handle your data with extreme care.

We would now like to show you in detail how we collect data on our websites, how we process it and how we use it.


Over view of contents: 

        1.    The protection of your personal data in Cherotic

        2.    Data security and encryption

        3.    Collection, processing and use of personal data in Cherotic

               3.a:    When you visit our websites

               3.b.    When you register with us and set up a profile

               3.c.    When you login with us and use the service

               3.d.    When you become a VIP member

               3.e.    Use of your personal data in TheCasualLounge

               3.f.     Data transfer to third parties

               3.g.    Use of cookies

               3.h.    Partner and affiliate cookies

               3.i.     Use of Google Analytics

               3.j.     Use of interest-related advertising

               3.k.    Google „+1“

               3.l.     Google AdSense

               3.m.   Facebook Pixel

               3.n.    Review of personal data

        4.    Consent and right of revocation

        5.    Your right to information, correction, deletion


1. The protection of your personal data in Cherotic

Cherotic brand along with the associated country domains is operated by iMedia888 GmbH, located at Max-Planck-Strasse 4, 85609 Aschheim, Allemagne. It is thus the “responsible party in the context of the German Data Protection Act”.

The protection of your personal data is of particular importance to us. We therefore process your data exclusively on the basis of the new regulatory provisions (DSGVO, TKG und TMG).

To explain: The German Data Protection Act (BDSG), the Telecommunication Act (TKG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG) have been created to protect your personal data and deal with precisely this issue. This includes data that could be used to identify a person (e.g. e-mail address, name, date of birth). Information that is cannot be attributed to a certain or determinable person or that can only be attributed to a certain person with a disproportionately high amount of time, costs and labour is not classified as anonymous data (see Section 3 Paragraph 6 BDSG).

We collect and use personal data so that we can operate Cherotic service. You can, however, at any time exercise your legal right to refute this collection and use of your personal data. In such a case, we cannot and will not use your data for purposes of advertising, for market research and for the improvement of our services, usage profiles will be evaluated under a pseudonym.

We would now like to explain to you how your personal data is used when you want to use Cherotic. Should you have any questions in this regard, you are welcome to contact our customer service at any time:

Data Protection Officer

[email protected]  or by mail


Proliance GmbH

Leopoldstr. 21,

80802 Munich, Allemagne.


2. Data security and encryption

As soon as you visit our websites, your data is transferred in an encrypted form. This data includes, for the most part, your profile data, preferences, contact details and payment information should you decide to register for our VIP area. We use this encryption to ensure that we receive your data in an encrypted form and that it cannot be read by third parties when it is being transferred. We use HTTPS as an encryption technology. This technology is used throughout the world with great success to encrypt confidential data and to protect against abuse.

When your data has safely arrived in our database, we have done everything we can to make sure that your data is stored in a secure environment and that it can only be viewed when we need it for the purposes of our service. This can, for example, relate to customer service or selected employees in the finance department. All of these employees who have access to your data are obligated by us to act in compliance with data protection and have been instructed accordingly by us.


3. Collection, processing and use of personal data in Cherotic

Our objective is to find the right partner for you as a customer. With our brand Cherotic we have already brought together very many couples and provided them with a good service. This, however, is only possible for us when we store the personal data in a computer algorithm that we developed which is then responsible for “calculating” a suitable partner proposal – the more precise and better the input data is, the better the calculated result will be for you. Below, we would like to show you in detail when we record what data from you and include it in our system in order to offer you a good product experience.

3.a. When you visit our websites

When you use our guest area, we collect so-called “log files”. The data we store in this case is as follows:

  • your IP address (internet protocol address)
  • the last website that you visited before us (referrer)
  • the websites you keep open when visiting us
  • the exact date and time
  • your so-called user agent: this includes the following information: operating system and your browser settings
  • All of this data up to this point is anonymous and is used only for the optimization of our offering.

3.b. When you register with us and set up a profile

For the free registration, we require the following personal information from you, without which a registration cannot be completed.

  • your own and desired gender
  • your place of residence
  • your date of birth
  • your family status
  • your height
  • your hair colour
  • your figure
  • your eye colour
  • your desired nickname
  • email address and password
  • the places you would like to find a partner 

3.c. When you login with us and use the service

The login with Cherotic is carried out using the email address and password selected by you. In this context, usage data is transfered by the respective Internet browser and stored in protocol files, so-called server logfiles. This data includes:

  • IP address (internet protocol address) of the accessing computer
  • user name on Cherotic platform
  • date and time of the request
  • status report on whether the request was successful
  • number of the session cookie

This data is evaluated by us for statistical purposes in an anonymous form.

3.d. When you become a VIP member

As soon as you acquire our VIP membership at Cherotic, we require the following data from you in the ordering process:

  • first and last name
  • postal address
  • bank account information or other payment data 

Your payment data will be processed by our payments service provider Heidelpay GmbH, Vangerowstraße 18, 69115 Heidelberg Germany (“Heidelpay“). We forward this data via a secure connection to our contractual payment service provider and store this data only in an anonymous form.

If you do not become a VIP member, we delete your profile with your data from our system after six weeks.

3.e. Use of your personal data in Cherotic

While you are using the product from Cherotic, we use a portion of your personal data to allow for the best possible use of the service promised, to find a suitable partner. We also use your data in the background to recognize any potentially forbidden activities that violate our general terms and conditions or which violate the contract.

Below, we would like to describe to you in detail how exactly Cherotic uses your personal data.

  • Your brief introduction and other texts within your user profile can also be seen by other members. This also applies to your profile information and your photographs in our members area.
  • Through our matching, your profile is shown when it corresponds to the search criteria of another member. In addition to your brief introduction, this also includes your “public” photos (not your private photos) and your general profile information such as your age, relationship status, place of residence, shared preferences, eye-colour, height, figure as well as your own partner search criteria.
  • Your private photos cannot be seen by other members. Only when you receive an individual inquiry and allow the inquiry, thus accepting the access to your private photos, are the inquiring members able to see your private photographs.  
  • Other members can see when you have visited their profile page. You also know which members have visited your profile. This is a key element of the matchmaking between our members. It is thus an important part of the service we provide. Women have the opportunity to turn off this function and to move around our platform in the so-called “invisible mode”. In this regard, the woman can also decide if she does not want to be seen by anyone or if she can only be seen by her own favourites that she has visited their profiles.
  • Other members can send you messages within our service in your own Cherotic mailbox. Your private email address remains secret and it will never be shown to any other member.
  • You can “block” undesired persons so that they will no longer have the possibility to contact you.
  • Double opt-in: In order to protect both you and us from abuse, we have secured our service with a so-called double opt-in procedure. This means that you receive product-related emails from us only when you have confirmed your own email address. This is an important component of our data protection for you, because it means that no one can use your private email address for damaging purposes, to create a user profile with your email address. For this double opt, we send an email from our service in which you will find a link that you must click in order to activate your profile at Cherotic. Afterwards, you are a full member in our service and can receive the following product-related emails from us if you wish:
  • Product-related external email notification: Cherotic sends the following notifications to each profile verified by means of the double opt-in so that you are immediately informed when there are any results for the partner search in your user profile. We send you the following notifications, some of which you can switch off individually:
    • You have received a new message
    • I have a new date
    • Someone visited my profile
    • Someone liked my pictures
    • A photo I uploaded has been reviewed
    • My photo was rejected
    • Announcement of the deletion of your profile when a VIP membership is not bought
    • Deletion of your profile when a VIP membership is not bought
    • Notification of the completion of a VIP membership 

Should you require additional information on the process of the service, you can find it on our help and FAQ pages.

3.f. Data transfer to third parties

We do not sell any personal data We only transfer personal data to third parties when such a transfer is necessary for the execution of the services offered. In the following cases, we transfer personal data to third party companies:

- For the purpose of payment processing: Payment service provider, acquirer and executing banks

- To protect our business interests to collection agencies

- Public authorities when we must comply with a demand from a state investigative agency

- Data can be forwarded to specialized service providers to prevent or counter cases of abuse by customers and/or third parties

- External customer service

- To marketing cooperating partners

- The sending of the emails is carried out by an external partner (Mailgun). For the forwarding to your email provider, this includes the text of the email and your email address. Neither the email address nor the text are stored over the long term in systems from Mailgun. Storage is only carried out for the purposes of message processing. Message texts are deleted after 72 hours at the latest.  All other data (e.g. date of sending, recipient email address) is deleted after 30 days at the latest.

3.g. Use of cookies

Cherotic uses so-called “cookies” to individually design and optimize your visit to our platform. A cookie is a text file that is either temporarily stored on the random access memory of the computer (session cookies) or on the hard-drive of the computer (permanent cookies). Cookies include, for example, information about your previous visits to the relevant server or information about which offers you have accessed to date.

You need not worry that these cookies are used to carry out programs or to load viruses onto your computer. The primary purpose of cookies is to help provide you with an individualized offer and to make the use of the service as comfortable as possible.

Most browsers have the standard setting that these cookies can be accepted. If you like, you can at any time configure your browser in such a way that it rejects cookies or that a confirmation is requested from you beforehand. Should you choose to reject cookies, this could have the consequence that not all of our services will work for you smoothly.

Cherotic uses the following cookies:

  • Session cookies: Cherotic mainly uses “session cookies” that are not stored on your hard drive and that are deleted when you leave the browser. Session cookies are used for login verification and balance the system burden.
  • Permanent cookies: Cherotic also uses so-called “permanent cookies” to save your personal user settings. This allows for a personalization and thus an improvement of Cherotic service because you will find your personal settings still in place when you visit the site in the future.

3.h. Partner and affiliate cookies

Cherotic also uses “partner cookies” or “affiliate cookies”. These are cookies that are “set” in the respective browser of the user when a user visits the websites of our cooperation partners. If the user then, via one of our advertising panels with this cooperation partner accesses our service, we can track the exact origin of this user and remunerate the cooperation partner accordingly. These cookies therefore only serve the invoicing with the respective cooperation partner. These cookies do not contain any personal information from the future user of Cherotic.

3.i. Use of Google Analytics

Cherotic conducts analyses of the behaviour of members with regard to the use of the service. Here, we create anonymous usage profiles in order to improve our services for you. To this end, we use Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”).

The information that is collected by the cookie about your use of this website is transferred to a Google server in the United States where it is stored. Google will process this information in order to evaluate your use of this website, to put together reports on website activities for the website operator and to provide further services related to website use as well as Internet use. The reports prepared by Google include, among other things, demographic features and interests that are collected on the basis of your interactions with advertisements or your visits to websites from advertisers. Google may also potentially transfer this information to third parties insofar as it is legally required or to the extent that this data is to be processed on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with other data from Google. You can prevent the installation of cookies by undertaking a relevant setting in your browser software. We wish to advise you, however, that in this case it is possible that you will not be able to fully use all the functions of this website.

You can also refute the collection and analysis of your use of the service by Google. Please use the Browser-Add-on for the deactivation of Google Universal Analytics. You can find more information on data protection in the conditions of use and privacy policy from Google.

3.j. Use of interest-related advertising 

Cherotic presents to you advertisements that are geared toward your interests. The information that is relevant for you is prepared on the basis of pseudonyms and anonymous data that is collected when you click on advertising or visit websites from advertising partners. At Cherotic offerings from Google DoubleClick are used.

The remarketing technology Google DoubleClick is a service from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). With this technology, users who have already visited Cherotic website and who have shown an interest in the service, are addressed again through targeted advertising on the pages of the Google partner network. Display of the advertising is carried out through the use of cookies. If you do not want to receive any interest-based advertising through Google, you can deactivate the use of cookies by Google for this purpose by configuring the  deactivation settings or installing the Browser-Add-On that is available there. You can find more information on data protection in the privacy policy from Google.

3.k. Google “+1”

Cherotic uses the “+1” button from the social network Google Plus, which is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States (“Google”). The button can be recognized from the symbol “+1” on a white or coloured background.

When users click the “+1” button, the user’s browser establishes a direct connection to the Google servers. The content of the “+1” button is transfered by Google directly to the browser of the user and integrated into the website. Cherotic has no influence on the scope of the data that Google collects with the button.

The purpose and the scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by Google as well as rights and setting possibilities of the user for the protection of privacy can be viewed in Google’s data protection information on the “+1” button.

If the user is a Google Plus member and would like to prevent a tracking of the data, he must log out of Google services prior to visiting Cherotic.

3.l. Google AdSense

Cherotic uses Google AdSense, a service to integrate advertisements from Google Inc. (“Google”). For this service to integrate advertisements, Google AdSense uses so-called “cookies”, these are text files that are stored on the computers of the users and which allow for an analysis of the use of the website. In addition, Google AdSense uses so-called web beacons. These are invisible graphics. With the web beacons, information such as visitor traffic to websites can be evaluated. By means of cookies and the web beacons, data on the use of the websites from Cherotic is generated. This data is personal because the IP address is also stored. Google collects this personal data and may transfer it to its advertising partners. The data is collected, saved and transfered for the purposes of advertising. If the user would like to avoid the collection of his personal data, the installation of cookies and/or web beacons can be prevented through a relevant setting in your browser software. In this case it could happen that not all of the functions of our website Cherotic can be used.

3.m. Facebook pixels

Cherotic uses remarketing tags (so-called “Facebook pixels“) from the social network of Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California, 94025, USA (“Facebook“). When you visit our websites, a connection is established between your browser and a Facebook server via the remarketing tag. Facebook thus receives the information that our website has been accessed with your IP address. Facebook uses this information to provide us with statistical and anonymous data on the general use of our website as well as on the effectiveness of our Facebook ads. If you are a member of Facebook and have permitted Facebook through the privacy settings in your account, Facebook will also link the information collected about your visit to us with your member account and use this information for the targeted running of Facebook ads. You can find addtional information in the data protection declaration from Facebook. You can view and change the privacy settings of your Facebook profile at any time.

3.n. Review of personal data

Using various automated monitoring tools as well as through our customer service, we analyze the activities on our platform and review the profile information and its metadata for plausibility in order to protect you from people whose intention it is to abuse our service. In this way we can identify certain series of symbols or logins from some members which originate from a computer program and are thus potentially not real people. We use this information to block precisely these fraudulent profiles.

If, as a result of these reviews, there is a suspicion of abuse of Cherotic service, the legal consequences for the membership are presented in the general terms and conditions. In the case of suspicious messages, Cherotic can also also stop the acceptance and sending of incoming or outgoing messages when, as a result of this review procedure, there is a high probability that the relevant message is either illegal or violates the general terms and conditions. In this connection, there will be no notification of rejected or unsent messages.


4. Consent and right of revocation

Insofar as we use data for a purpose which, in accordance with the statutory provisions, requires your consent, we will always ask for your expressed agreement and will record your consent. You can revoke your understanding once it is given at any time and/or refute any future use of your data. To withdraw your consent or to refute the use of your data, a simple message to us is sufficient. You can use the following contact details:

iMedia888 GmbH, Max-Planck-Strasse 4, 85609 Aschheim, Allemagne.

Or simply send us an email at:  [email protected] –

5. Your right to information, correction, deletion

At all times, you have the right to receive information about the personal data that is stored related to your person as well as the settings of your user account and to have these corrected or deleted.

We would like to point out that your right to the deletion of data may be limited by the statutory retention requirements that we must observe. In addition, courts, investigative authorities or other legally defined authorities can, with a legal basis, can demand information or access to information.

For information, correction or deletion inquiries, please include your name, your email address and/or your user name in an email to the following contact point:

iMedia888 GmbH, Max-Planck-Strasse 4, 85609 Aschheim, Allemagne.

Or send an email to: [email protected] –


We would like to inform you that you yourself can of course also directly and easily view, change or delete your own information in your own user account.